“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

― Benjamin Franklin

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Author Lisa Jansen

Hello and welcome,

You have landed on my author website. As you can see, this is a very simple page. If you would like to learn more about me and what I’m up to, please visit my Life Done Differently website.



What do you do when everyone around you is embracing parenthood or focused on their careers, and neither path feels right for you?


Everything you need to know about the freedom & beauty of life on the road in New Zealand


Why do so many of us struggle to live truly happy and fulfilling lives – despite the abundance of literature and advice that's available?


Hi, I’m Lisa - writer, adventurer and ​contemplator or life.

I’m a writer, living in beautiful New Zealand. Reading ​and writing have always been a big part of my life. ​Ever since I’ve been a kid, I’ve loved getting lost in a ​good book. Today, I start most of my days reading for ​at least 30 minutes, which gives me inspiration for the ​day ahead.

My favourite part of being a writer is when people tell ​me they found inspiration in my words.

Writing is both a hobby and part of my professional ​life. I’m the author of three books, write for two ​magazine and it has also always been one of my ​favourite parts of my marketing career. At a personal ​level, writing is my way of processing as well as a ​creative outlet.

Life Done Differently

In 2017, at the young age of 33, I decided to go on a mission to find out what life has to offer when your don’t want to follow the 'traditional' path of marriage, kids and 9-5 jobs.

I quit my well-paying job in the city, sold most of my stuff and moved into my campervan. Since then, I’ve been travelling around New Zealand while working remotely as a marketing consultant and writer and using the extra time to explore our beautiful country, myself and all that life has to offer.

If you want to learn more about my Life Done Differently, follow me on Facebook or Instagram or check out my blog.

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Email: Lisa@lisa-jansen.com

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